This notebook demonstrates our simulation, preprocessing and visualization pipeline for radar data. See its source here.
import os
from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from utils.synthesize import synthetic_radar
from utils.preprocess import open_recordings, identify_config, raw2rdm
from utils import radar
from utils import skeletons as sk
from utils.visualization import spec_plot, animation_real_synthetic, animation_spec
from ifxaion.daq import Daq
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import HTML
from networks.img_transf import MultiTransformNet
import torch
from torch.autograd import Variable
data_path = Path("/mnt/infineon-radar")
raw_dir = data_path / "daq_x-har"
activity = "5_Walking_Boxing"
path = raw_dir / f"{activity}_converted/recording-2020-01-28_12-37-12"
real_path = data_path / "preprocessed/fixed_size/real"
synth_path = data_path / "preprocessed/fixed_size/synthetic"
itn_config = "D"
itn_recording = "2020-02-05T15:16:08"
itn_path = "models/publication_I.model"
daq = Daq(rec_dir=path)
env = daq.env
recording = daq.radar[2]
rec_config = daq.radar[2].cfg
timestamps =
ts_seconds = timestamps.total_seconds()
config_name = identify_config(rec_config)
rec_config['RadarName'] = rec_config.pop("Name")
rec_config['cfg'] = config_name
rec_config["activity"] = activity
n_samples = rec_config['SamplesPerChirp']
m_chirps = rec_config['ChirpsPerFrame']
print(f"Synthetizing data for configuration {config_name}")
Synthetizing data for configuration II
frame_interval_ms = np.mean((timestamps[1:] - timestamps[:-1]).total_seconds()) * 1e3
duration_sec = (timestamps[-1] - timestamps[0]).total_seconds()
print(f'Mean frame interval:\t{frame_interval_ms} ms')
print(f'Total duration:\t{duration_sec} seconds')
Mean frame interval: 32.7835497835498 ms Total duration: 121.168 seconds
Load skeleton data
skeletons = sk.load(path, verbose=True)
sk_interp = sk.interpolate(skeletons, timestamps.total_seconds())
sk_da = sk.to_xarray(sk_interp, timestamps, attrs=env)
Reading skeleton data: 1212 skeletons, in 121.1 second recording
Synthesize raw data from skeleton points using a radar configuration
syntheticData = synthetic_radar(skeletons, rec_config, ts_seconds)
assert syntheticData.shape[-2] == m_chirps, "Number of chirps of synthetic data not correct"
assert syntheticData.shape[-1] == n_samples, "Number of samples per chirp of synthetic data not correct"
smin = syntheticData.min()
smax = syntheticData.max()
snorm = (syntheticData - smin) / (smax - smin)
raw_synth = pd.DataFrame({"Timestamps": timestamps, "NormData": [sn for sn in snorm]}).set_index("Timestamps")
Create synthetic data for configuration II Creating 3697 frames of synthetic data from provided frameTimes Synthetic data with shape (3697, 1, 64, 256) successfully created
The result is a DataFrame
NormData | |
Timestamps | |
0 days 00:00:01.018000 | [[[0.5049517939718389, 0.5049517939718389, 0.5... |
0 days 00:00:01.051000 | [[[0.5049517939718389, 0.5049517939718389, 0.5... |
0 days 00:00:01.083000 | [[[0.5049517939718389, 0.5049517939718389, 0.5... |
0 days 00:00:01.116000 | [[[0.5049517939718389, 0.5049517939718389, 0.5... |
0 days 00:00:01.149000 | [[[0.5049517939718389, 0.5049517939718389, 0.5... |
... | ... |
0 days 00:02:02.054000 | [[[0.49478443427094787, 0.5703649156450615, 0.... |
0 days 00:02:02.087000 | [[[0.5366295082395269, 0.5334191116785014, 0.4... |
0 days 00:02:02.120000 | [[[0.5013049066653456, 0.5758148999346251, 0.4... |
0 days 00:02:02.153000 | [[[0.44517515535040936, 0.45493490037400647, 0... |
0 days 00:02:02.186000 | [[[0.5175748335333865, 0.5360369932409377, 0.4... |
3697 rows × 1 columns
The raw data is processed and converted to an xarray DataArray
rdm_synth = raw2rdm(raw_synth, rec_config, env, name=f"{activity}-{config_name}")
Data shape: (3697, 64, 128)
The Range Doppler Maps can be converted to dB
rdm_db = xr.apply_ufunc(radar.mag2db, rdm_synth, keep_attrs=True, kwargs={"normalize": True})
<xarray.DataArray '5_Walking_Boxing-II' (time: 3697, doppler: 64, range: 128)> array([[[-1980.35627771, -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771, ..., -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771], [-1980.35627771, -672.91793134, -723.26159038, ..., -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771], [-1980.35627771, -666.91844933, -717.26210837, ..., -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771], ..., [-1980.35627771, -663.43208803, -713.77574707, ..., -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771], [-1980.35627771, -666.91844933, -717.26210837, ..., -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771], [-1980.35627771, -672.91793134, -723.26159038, ..., -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771]], [[-1980.35627771, -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771, ..., -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771], [-1980.35627771, -672.91793134, -723.26159038, ..., -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771], [-1980.35627771, -666.91844933, -717.26210837, ..., -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771], ... [ -121.93231657, -127.91096736, -177.53243227, ..., -197.39423869, -197.59512174, -197.74792954], [ -121.91844848, -127.89711643, -177.51253201, ..., -197.55455471, -197.735938 , -197.86734389], [ -121.91008633, -127.88876697, -177.49895153, ..., -197.68555397, -197.84490509, -197.95215161]], [[ -120.61313815, -126.58474106, -177.75736247, ..., -190.18859655, -190.31457682, -190.3909812 ], [ -120.60914293, -126.58073923, -177.76141202, ..., -190.22786838, -190.34163099, -190.40519191], [ -120.59722757, -126.56882891, -177.75450738, ..., -190.27020969, -190.37143105, -190.42253751], ..., [ -120.57760061, -126.54929189, -177.68079141, ..., -190.09098292, -190.25284349, -190.36628012], [ -120.59722757, -126.56887849, -177.7167001 , ..., -190.12005779, -190.2701266 , -190.37148423], [ -120.60914293, -126.58076415, -177.7423684 , ..., -190.15259905, -190.29080356, -190.37962968]]]) Coordinates: * time (time) timedelta64[ns] 00:00:01.018000 ... 00:02:02.186000 * doppler (doppler) float64 -5.0 -4.841 -4.683 -4.524 ... 4.683 4.841 5.0 * range (range) float64 0.0 0.0378 0.07559 0.1134 ... 4.687 4.724 4.762 4.8 Attributes: (12/25) units: dB Type: SdkRadar BoardId: 1002 Port: COM45 ChirpsPerFrame: 64 SamplesPerChirp: 256 ... ... location: Dresden-DE room_size: [7.58, 7.64] startTime: 2020-01-28T12:37:28 stopTime: 2020-01-28T12:39:30 runTimeSeconds: 122 software: {'Name': 'DataRecorder', 'Version': '1.7', 'BuildDate'...
array([[[-1980.35627771, -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771, ..., -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771], [-1980.35627771, -672.91793134, -723.26159038, ..., -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771], [-1980.35627771, -666.91844933, -717.26210837, ..., -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771], ..., [-1980.35627771, -663.43208803, -713.77574707, ..., -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771], [-1980.35627771, -666.91844933, -717.26210837, ..., -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771], [-1980.35627771, -672.91793134, -723.26159038, ..., -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771]], [[-1980.35627771, -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771, ..., -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771], [-1980.35627771, -672.91793134, -723.26159038, ..., -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771], [-1980.35627771, -666.91844933, -717.26210837, ..., -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771, -1980.35627771], ... [ -121.93231657, -127.91096736, -177.53243227, ..., -197.39423869, -197.59512174, -197.74792954], [ -121.91844848, -127.89711643, -177.51253201, ..., -197.55455471, -197.735938 , -197.86734389], [ -121.91008633, -127.88876697, -177.49895153, ..., -197.68555397, -197.84490509, -197.95215161]], [[ -120.61313815, -126.58474106, -177.75736247, ..., -190.18859655, -190.31457682, -190.3909812 ], [ -120.60914293, -126.58073923, -177.76141202, ..., -190.22786838, -190.34163099, -190.40519191], [ -120.59722757, -126.56882891, -177.75450738, ..., -190.27020969, -190.37143105, -190.42253751], ..., [ -120.57760061, -126.54929189, -177.68079141, ..., -190.09098292, -190.25284349, -190.36628012], [ -120.59722757, -126.56887849, -177.7167001 , ..., -190.12005779, -190.2701266 , -190.37148423], [ -120.60914293, -126.58076415, -177.7423684 , ..., -190.15259905, -190.29080356, -190.37962968]]])
array([ 1018000000, 1051000000, 1083000000, ..., 122120000000, 122153000000, 122186000000], dtype='timedelta64[ns]')
array([-5. , -4.84127 , -4.68254 , -4.52381 , -4.365079, -4.206349, -4.047619, -3.888889, -3.730159, -3.571429, -3.412698, -3.253968, -3.095238, -2.936508, -2.777778, -2.619048, -2.460317, -2.301587, -2.142857, -1.984127, -1.825397, -1.666667, -1.507937, -1.349206, -1.190476, -1.031746, -0.873016, -0.714286, -0.555556, -0.396825, -0.238095, -0.079365, 0.079365, 0.238095, 0.396825, 0.555556, 0.714286, 0.873016, 1.031746, 1.190476, 1.349206, 1.507937, 1.666667, 1.825397, 1.984127, 2.142857, 2.301587, 2.460317, 2.619048, 2.777778, 2.936508, 3.095238, 3.253968, 3.412698, 3.571429, 3.730159, 3.888889, 4.047619, 4.206349, 4.365079, 4.52381 , 4.68254 , 4.84127 , 5. ])
array([0. , 0.037795, 0.075591, 0.113386, 0.151181, 0.188976, 0.226772, 0.264567, 0.302362, 0.340157, 0.377953, 0.415748, 0.453543, 0.491339, 0.529134, 0.566929, 0.604724, 0.64252 , 0.680315, 0.71811 , 0.755906, 0.793701, 0.831496, 0.869291, 0.907087, 0.944882, 0.982677, 1.020472, 1.058268, 1.096063, 1.133858, 1.171654, 1.209449, 1.247244, 1.285039, 1.322835, 1.36063 , 1.398425, 1.43622 , 1.474016, 1.511811, 1.549606, 1.587402, 1.625197, 1.662992, 1.700787, 1.738583, 1.776378, 1.814173, 1.851969, 1.889764, 1.927559, 1.965354, 2.00315 , 2.040945, 2.07874 , 2.116535, 2.154331, 2.192126, 2.229921, 2.267717, 2.305512, 2.343307, 2.381102, 2.418898, 2.456693, 2.494488, 2.532283, 2.570079, 2.607874, 2.645669, 2.683465, 2.72126 , 2.759055, 2.79685 , 2.834646, 2.872441, 2.910236, 2.948031, 2.985827, 3.023622, 3.061417, 3.099213, 3.137008, 3.174803, 3.212598, 3.250394, 3.288189, 3.325984, 3.36378 , 3.401575, 3.43937 , 3.477165, 3.514961, 3.552756, 3.590551, 3.628346, 3.666142, 3.703937, 3.741732, 3.779528, 3.817323, 3.855118, 3.892913, 3.930709, 3.968504, 4.006299, 4.044094, 4.08189 , 4.119685, 4.15748 , 4.195276, 4.233071, 4.270866, 4.308661, 4.346457, 4.384252, 4.422047, 4.459843, 4.497638, 4.535433, 4.573228, 4.611024, 4.648819, 4.686614, 4.724409, 4.762205, 4.8 ])
Range & Doppler spectrograms in dB can also be calculated
rdm_abs = np.abs(rdm_synth)
rspect = rdm_abs.sum(dim="doppler").assign_attrs({"long_name": "Range spectrogram", "units": "dB"})
dspect = rdm_abs.sum(dim="range").assign_attrs({"long_name": "Doppler spectrogram", "units": "dB"})
synth_spects = xr.Dataset({"range_spect": rspect, "doppler_spect": dspect}, attrs=rdm_synth.attrs)
synth_spects = xr.apply_ufunc(radar.mag2db, synth_spects, keep_attrs=True, kwargs={"normalize": True})
<xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (doppler: 64, range: 128, time: 3697) Coordinates: * time (time) timedelta64[ns] 00:00:01.018000 ... 00:02:02.186000 * range (range) float64 0.0 0.0378 0.07559 0.1134 ... 4.724 4.762 4.8 * doppler (doppler) float64 -5.0 -4.841 -4.683 ... 4.683 4.841 5.0 Data variables: range_spect (time, range) float64 -1.99e+03 -584.5 ... -125.6 -125.7 doppler_spect (time, doppler) float64 -1.99e+03 -682.8 ... -73.59 -73.54 Attributes: (12/25) units: Complex amplitude Type: SdkRadar BoardId: 1002 Port: COM45 ChirpsPerFrame: 64 SamplesPerChirp: 256 ... ... location: Dresden-DE room_size: [7.58, 7.64] startTime: 2020-01-28T12:37:28 stopTime: 2020-01-28T12:39:30 runTimeSeconds: 122 software: {'Name': 'DataRecorder', 'Version': '1.7', 'BuildDate'...
array([ 1018000000, 1051000000, 1083000000, ..., 122120000000, 122153000000, 122186000000], dtype='timedelta64[ns]')
array([0. , 0.037795, 0.075591, 0.113386, 0.151181, 0.188976, 0.226772, 0.264567, 0.302362, 0.340157, 0.377953, 0.415748, 0.453543, 0.491339, 0.529134, 0.566929, 0.604724, 0.64252 , 0.680315, 0.71811 , 0.755906, 0.793701, 0.831496, 0.869291, 0.907087, 0.944882, 0.982677, 1.020472, 1.058268, 1.096063, 1.133858, 1.171654, 1.209449, 1.247244, 1.285039, 1.322835, 1.36063 , 1.398425, 1.43622 , 1.474016, 1.511811, 1.549606, 1.587402, 1.625197, 1.662992, 1.700787, 1.738583, 1.776378, 1.814173, 1.851969, 1.889764, 1.927559, 1.965354, 2.00315 , 2.040945, 2.07874 , 2.116535, 2.154331, 2.192126, 2.229921, 2.267717, 2.305512, 2.343307, 2.381102, 2.418898, 2.456693, 2.494488, 2.532283, 2.570079, 2.607874, 2.645669, 2.683465, 2.72126 , 2.759055, 2.79685 , 2.834646, 2.872441, 2.910236, 2.948031, 2.985827, 3.023622, 3.061417, 3.099213, 3.137008, 3.174803, 3.212598, 3.250394, 3.288189, 3.325984, 3.36378 , 3.401575, 3.43937 , 3.477165, 3.514961, 3.552756, 3.590551, 3.628346, 3.666142, 3.703937, 3.741732, 3.779528, 3.817323, 3.855118, 3.892913, 3.930709, 3.968504, 4.006299, 4.044094, 4.08189 , 4.119685, 4.15748 , 4.195276, 4.233071, 4.270866, 4.308661, 4.346457, 4.384252, 4.422047, 4.459843, 4.497638, 4.535433, 4.573228, 4.611024, 4.648819, 4.686614, 4.724409, 4.762205, 4.8 ])
array([-5. , -4.84127 , -4.68254 , -4.52381 , -4.365079, -4.206349, -4.047619, -3.888889, -3.730159, -3.571429, -3.412698, -3.253968, -3.095238, -2.936508, -2.777778, -2.619048, -2.460317, -2.301587, -2.142857, -1.984127, -1.825397, -1.666667, -1.507937, -1.349206, -1.190476, -1.031746, -0.873016, -0.714286, -0.555556, -0.396825, -0.238095, -0.079365, 0.079365, 0.238095, 0.396825, 0.555556, 0.714286, 0.873016, 1.031746, 1.190476, 1.349206, 1.507937, 1.666667, 1.825397, 1.984127, 2.142857, 2.301587, 2.460317, 2.619048, 2.777778, 2.936508, 3.095238, 3.253968, 3.412698, 3.571429, 3.730159, 3.888889, 4.047619, 4.206349, 4.365079, 4.52381 , 4.68254 , 4.84127 , 5. ])
array([[-1990.02349318, -584.49628364, -634.83994268, ..., -1990.02349318, -1990.02349318, -1990.02349318], [-1990.02349318, -584.49628364, -634.83994268, ..., -1990.02349318, -1990.02349318, -1990.02349318], [-1990.02349318, -584.49628364, -634.83994268, ..., -1990.02349318, -1990.02349318, -1990.02349318], ..., [ -61.82167722, -67.79477819, -118.45303767, ..., -128.9971386 , -129.07757405, -129.12908534], [ -61.38058786, -67.35207186, -118.54270281, ..., -127.79925935, -127.85262388, -127.88458731], [ -49.25103915, -55.22505908, -105.83083421, ..., -125.52329515, -125.64762363, -125.7283295 ]])
array([[-1990.26066227, -682.77430659, -676.77482458, ..., -673.28846327, -676.77482458, -682.77430659], [-1990.26066227, -682.77430659, -676.77482458, ..., -673.28846327, -676.77482458, -682.77430659], [-1990.26066227, -682.77430659, -676.77482458, ..., -673.28846327, -676.77482458, -682.77430659], ..., [ -78.6390491 , -78.4244932 , -78.2067895 , ..., -79.20553404, -79.03574249, -78.84486743], [ -71.57881615, -71.65643755, -71.73726164, ..., -71.36974749, -71.43511571, -71.50490766], [ -73.48853617, -73.44529451, -73.40760944, ..., -73.65135833, -73.5916845 , -73.53735592]])
Process range & Doppler information from the real recording and extract a short time slice from it
time_slice = slice("00:00:52", "00:01:07")
skeleton_slice = sk_da.sel(time=time_slice)
rdm_real = raw2rdm(, rec_config, env, name=f"{activity}-{config_name}")
rdm_rabs = np.abs(rdm_real.sel(time=time_slice))
rng_spect = rdm_rabs.sum(dim="doppler").assign_attrs({"long_name": "Range spectrogram", "units": "dB"})
dopp_spect = rdm_rabs.sum(dim="range").assign_attrs({"long_name": "Doppler spectrogram", "units": "dB"})
real_spects = xr.Dataset({"range_spect": rng_spect, "doppler_spect": dopp_spect}, attrs=rdm_real.attrs)
real_spects = xr.apply_ufunc(radar.mag2db, real_spects, keep_attrs=True, kwargs={"normalize": True})
rdm_real_db = xr.apply_ufunc(radar.mag2db, rdm_rabs, keep_attrs=True, kwargs={"normalize": True})
rdm_synth_db = xr.apply_ufunc(radar.normalize_db, rdm_db.sel(time=time_slice), keep_attrs=True)
Data shape: (3697, 64, 128)
anim_rs = animation_real_synthetic(rdm_real_db, rdm_synth_db, skeleton_slice,
sensor_loc=rec_config["position"], vmin=-40, notebook=True)
anim_spects = animation_spec(rdm_real_db, real_spects, vmin=-40, notebook=True)
¶The example uses lazy load, but in the GPU load=True
boosts performance
real_recs = open_recordings(itn_config, real_path, load=False)
synth_recs = open_recordings(itn_config, synth_path, load=False)
print(f"{len(real_recs)} recordings have been lazy loaded")
i_rec = [i for i, rec in enumerate(real_recs) if == itn_recording][0]
print(f"Recording {itn_recording} found at index {i_rec}")
69 recordings have been lazy loaded Recording 2020-02-05T15:16:08 found at index 67
real_rec = real_recs[i_rec]
synth_rec = synth_recs[i_rec]
Extract short spectrograms from the recordings
tslice = slice("00:01:39", None)
time_length = 64
real_spects = real_rec.drop_vars('label').sel(time=tslice).isel(time=slice(0,time_length))
synth_spects = synth_rec.drop_vars('label').sel(time=tslice).isel(time=slice(0,time_length))
real_spects = xr.apply_ufunc(radar.normalize_db, real_spects.load(), keep_attrs=True)
synth_spects = xr.apply_ufunc(radar.normalize_db, synth_spects.load(), keep_attrs=True)
Load Image Transformation Network
dtype = torch.FloatTensor
transformer = MultiTransformNet(num_inputs=2, num_channels=1)
_ = transformer.eval()
Transform real data with the ITN
range_inp = torch.from_numpy(real_spects.range_spect.values[None, None, :, :])
dopp_inp = torch.from_numpy(real_spects.doppler_spect.values[None, None, :, :])
spec_input = [Variable(range_inp, requires_grad=False).type(dtype), Variable(dopp_inp, requires_grad=False).type(dtype)]
range_hat, doppler_hat = transformer(spec_input)
range_trans = range_hat.detach().numpy()
doppler_trans = doppler_hat.detach().numpy()
spectrograms = xr.merge([real_spects.rename_vars(range_spect="range_real", doppler_spect="doppler_real"),
synth_spects.rename_vars(range_spect="range_synth", doppler_spect="doppler_synth")],
spectrograms["range_trans"] = (['time', 'range'], np.squeeze(range_trans), {"units": "dB"})
spectrograms["doppler_trans"] = (['time', 'doppler'], np.squeeze(doppler_trans), {"units": "dB"})
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(12, 8))
spec_plot(spectrograms[["range_real", "range_trans", "range_synth", "doppler_real", "doppler_trans", "doppler_synth"]],
axes=axes.flatten(), ax_xlabel=axes[-1], vmin=-40, vmax=0, add_colorbar=False)
im = axes[-1][-1].get_images()[0]
_ = [ax.set_ylabel(None) for ax in axes[:,1:].flatten()]
cbar = plt.colorbar(im, ax=axes, orientation="horizontal")
cbar.set_label("Amplitude [dB]")
for title, ax in zip(("Real data $x$", "Transformed data $\widehat{y}$", "Synthetic data $y$"), axes[0]):